"GPA from 2.6 to 4.0 after Study Recipe"
Elise (Neika) (Atlanta, GA, USA).
"9 passes with 8 distinctions and 1 credit was a pleasant surprize"
Kimani & parents (Kingston, Jamaica)
"You are never too old to learn"
Elizabeth (Atlanta, GA, USA)
"Stimulating your appetite for learning and putting you in touch with your brilliance"

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Did you know it is possible to so master the art of learning, that you end up motivated to study and reproduce information which improves both career and exam performances? This is where Study RecipeŽ aims to take you. It gives insight into how you can reach this level of proficiency by providing a logical, user friendly strategy for doing it. This means time spent studying will indeed be quality study time. Study RecipeŽ also respects the importance of rest and relaxation and so gives insight into how to balance quality study time with quality relaxation time in order to achieve success. If in doubt that it works, then give Study RecipeŽ a fair trial period by doing what it recommends.

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