For 14 years, the voluntary contribution made by Sunvet Consultancy to society, took the form of addressing groups of Grade 11 and Grade 13 students in different High Schools, giving them advice on how to manage their studies.
The performance of these students was very impressive and the suggestion was made that the strategies shared in those talks, should be shared with more students.
Sunvet Consultancy decided that this would best be done in a seminar and so this format was used to impart information designed to empower students.
Interestingly, one female participant when asked to comment on how the seminar had impacted her said she was coming away from the seminar with a recipe for studying. This was how Study Recipe® got its name.
Since the first seminar, Study Recipe® has undergone much improvement aimed at addressing the needs of more participants.
The general comment is that the seminar is very interesting and on occasion, different groups have requested that the seminar continue through their lunch breaks.
Other participants said they were dying for the seminar to end, so they could go home and try the new study methods they learned.
Copyrighted editions of Study Recipe® have been produced for such groups as Primary/Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary students, individuals embarking on in-house company training and professionals upgrading their qualifications. Persons made redundant, as well as retired persons who attended Study Recipe® seminars give these seminars high praise for motivating and providing them with a strategy that helped them to achieve their dreams.